Jelly's Website!



A little place for me to live out my nostalgic days in peace and pay homage to Yahoo's Geocities days. Did I have a website back then? I made a website in high school once for a project, dabbled in a couple of blogs in my late teens and early twenties, but nothing ever set for the long-term either because I either became to preoccupied with study and work or my once burning hot interest fizzled out. I'm pondering whether I should port my Wordpress blog over to here because then I get and more control over here and I don't just keep getting followed by a bunch of How To Grow Your Blog™ blogs. We'll see.

You're probably wondering why anyone would want to go back to those crappy old days of dial-up where you'd have to fight your family over the phone to connect to the internet... well, I'm kinda a sap and think about things that once were but are no longer, like MSN Messenger. Strangely though, a remnant of my childhood, Neopets is still alive and kicking.

I feel like a lot of things were simpler back then. Of course, the flow of data and information is so fast now and there are so many upsides to this - the boom in remote working, for example. But you see, with all this stuff zooming around, algorithms displacing content and polarizing us, it's hard to sift the real from the fake. I believe in self-expression and it's funny that the world's been turning, a lot of these Neocities pages really do look like they belong in the 90s (not a backhanded compliment, just an observation, really).

Here, I can actually embed my codepen that I whipped up diving back into HTML and CSS with Duke's introductory programming course:

See the Pen Hello World! by jellypuff (@jellypuff) on CodePen.

So yeah, maybe you know what? I think I will.

Stay tuned.